A high growth market. In five years, 10 out of every 100 Brazilians will consume specialty coffees. The estimate is that the consumer market in the country will jump from the current 5% to 10% – double. This is what the founder of the Terrafé coffee shop chain, Raul Guizelini, points out, who gave the lecture “The Specialty Coffee Market in ES”, at the National Coffee Week (Coffees), in Vitória.
“The estimate is that the consumption of Specialty Coffees in Brazil will double in five years, and Espírito Santo has advantages to stand out even more in this market. Our state is located in the Southeast, close to major consumer centers”, recalled Raul. He explained that the geographic advantage of ES is very significant, due to the fact that the coffee producing region is close to the Metropolitan Region, facilitating delivery logistics.
With 5% consumption, Brazil is still a long way from other markets, such as those in the Nordic countries (Denmark and Finland, for example), where consumption of Specialty Coffees reaches 70%. “We are still in the acculturation phase about Specialty Coffees, that is, introducing people to it, and this movement has to start with coffee shops, roasters and coffee brands. Only when we provide quality raw materials can we make customers fall in love with coffees,” he stated.
Raul highlighted that Espírito Santo is the largest producer of Robusta coffee (conilon) in Brazil and the second largest producer of Arabica coffee, only behind Minas Gerais. “The coffee chain is of fundamental importance for Espírito Santo. It is the second largest economic chain in the State and the one that generates the most jobs. Coffee still has the advantage of capillarity because it reaches the interior, especially family farming. Oil, for example, which is the largest chain in Espírito Santo, is limited to large centers”, he compared.
The founder of Terrafé also highlighted the positive outlook for the market. “We are in a high-growth market. This generates development, opportunities and jobs, and for us it is a privilege to be part of the coffee chain”, he says.
Source: ES 360